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 new ux5000 phone system communications server

ux5000 communications serverThe UX5000 Communications Server is a comprehensive integrated solution designed to meet the unique challenges of both business telephony applications and VoIP. This top performance system supports pure peer-to-peer IP telephony connectivity and advanced networking, - all from one system! It allows your organization to bring together voice and data networks and benefit from the cost-saving advantages, convenience, and ease of use afforded by networked telephony systems. VoIP provides seamless internal and external communications and access to advanced data and productivity tools. By integrating diverse hardware components and software applications, NEC brings control of telephony features and related call information right to the user’s PC, and provides advanced CTI throughout your organization. Reduce costs and improve network efficiency by transparently sharing communication features and resources between branch or remote locations. Share voice mail and other applications for additional cost savings.

For those who need digital telephony such as PRI service, the UX5000 offers an economical solution to adding traditional telephony features to your IP system.

Click here to visit the manufacturer's official website

UX5000 [Performance, Flexibility, and Reliability]

UX5000 provides the latest Voice over Internet ProtocoI (VoIP) technology and comprehensive desktop solutions to deliver superior performance, efficiency, flexibility, and reliability when and where you need it.

UX5000 [Information]

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